23 years of history
in which we’ve built
a great Brand

23 years of history

Always renewing and expanding paths

Always renewing and
expanding paths

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Becoming multichannel is the next level,
but what is the first step?

Becoming multichannel is the next level,
but what is the first step?

DirectBiz: specialized in the feasibility and implementation of Mixed Channels operations

Implementation of Mixed Channels operations

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Direct Selling may be what
your company lacks to grow.

Have you thought about it?

Specialized in micro and small enterprises

Specialized in micro and
small enterprises

Direct Selling may be what your
company lacks to grow.
Have you thought about it?

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Don't Waste Time

We are the main reference in consulting specialized in Direct Selling and Multichannel Strategies in Brazil. We can certainly help your business reach its full potential.

Direct Selling

Direct Selling has accompanied the change of the world!
From the old school “door to door” to the innovative “click-to-click”, new business models have emerged, always maintaining interpersonal relationships as a driving force of business. We enable, structure, deploy and manage Direct Sales models.


Omnichannel is not just a buzzword!
It is the current reality of the business environment around the world. Whatever the size of the companies, Omnichannel is available and can be deployed in business. The goal of our work is to integrate the sales channels in a convergent way to the consumer.


Our product portfolio also accredits us for the execution of specific, one-off work that is tailored to meet customers’ urgent strategic needs, regardless of the size or even their budget availability. Our products are commonly contracted by companies that are already operational.

Who We Are

DirectBiz was founded in 1997, as the result of a passion for the Direct Selling business. Our brand has since carried this essence, uniting the word “direct” with the inflection “biz”, from the English word “business”, signaling our belief in the power of “direct business” between companies and consumers.

Throughout all those years, according to the market we have become, the main reference in consulting specialized in structuring and implementing businesses through Direct Selling, in all its different sales models, from catalogs to social events and relationship marketing.

From the traditional monolevel to the multilevel in evidence, we have great successful cases of clients who hired us to implement or restructure their business models, many of them operating in the market for as much as fifteen years or even more. A visit to our page of customers already served will show our long-standing contracts.

Since our foundation, the world has changed, the market has changed and we have changed as well. The consumer has become Omni, in search not only of companies’ the products or services, but also “experiences” with brands, when, where and in the way they prefer.

In this scenario, DirectBiz was encouraged to break the paradigms of single-channel direct sales and reinvent itself as a consulting company. We have accomplished this in a disruptive way, without changing our essence, expanding our knowledge, team and methodology, to guide customers in structuring or restructuring their business, with an expanded vision to the Omnichannel world, in a planned and integrated way.

What Our Customers Say

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